
The purpose of this article is to analyze the treatment of caregiving at the level of international law, comparative law and public policies in the Latin American region, in light of the feminist paradigms that have sought to conceptualize and take charge of caregiving in a broad sense. To this end, feminist theories that approach it from the perspective of social reproduction and the ethics of care will be presented, and reference will be made to the incorporation of caregiving in democracy and through the transformation of concepts of citizenship. Then, the international and national frameworks and public policies referring to caregiving will be analyzed, considering the feminist paradigms mentioned above. It is concluded that in practice, elements of both paradigms have been incorporated, both from the theory of social reproduction and from the ethics of care. At the same time, the absence of the incorporation of elements linked to feminisms of the commons, ecofeminism and post-humanist feminisms is recognized.    


Caregiving feminist theories ethics of care social reproduction